Quality Amp, less quality installation

This customer brought in their vehicle for us to replace the radio and to work out why their front speakers didn’t work. I opened the boot to check their amplifier wiring and found this. Not only was the power terminal completely rusted through, the amplifier was just flapping around completely loose in the boot. I wish all faults were this easy to find.

Matt T, Workshop Manager.

When the customer tells you the car is original.

Before - A fire waiting to happen.

We had a client purchase a Porsche 997 Turbo and not long after, was experiencing electrical issues. They were referred to us by their local Porsche dealership to ascertain the cause of the issues. I was assured by the client that the car was totally original as the previous owner has told them this. It did not take long to find the cause of the issues. It appeared that someone, clearly unqualified, had attempted to integrate some sort of alarm system into the Porche fuse box and failed epically. It took several hours to strip back the harness and reconstruct the wiring.

After - Back to orriginal with no faults or issues.

This involved removing the alarm system and all the damaged wires. Then replacing all the damaged wires with new cables. The before and after shots tell the story for themselves. The lesson here is that you need to make sure you have experienced, qualified techs working on your car. One thing I have learnt is to never say I have seen it all as there is always a new surprise around the corner.

 Jon B - Owner/Director

Italian food in a Japanese Car

If you can believe it, this was an aftermarket alarm and immobiliser system fitted into an RX7 (not by us obviously). The car came in because it wouldnt start, and when we took the dash panel off this mess of spaghetti fell out onto the floor.

A few days of work to get it cleaned up, and the car stil wouldn’t run, even with all of this removed and restored to factory. I read the workshop manual for the RX7 cover to cover and learned more about rotary engines than I ever thought I would need to, before finding there was another immobiliser hidden in the boot of the car that even the owner didn’t know about.

Great result, terrible week - Matt T, Workshop Manager