Magnetic Chargers

These magnetic chargers are one of the more enjoyable jobs as they are all custom and unique to each car, there’s never really a standard fit for them. Even more so as all the brackets are designed, made and painted in house! Personally, learning to paint has been a challenge but especially rewarding when the final products turn out like this.

The brief is always to make the bracket integrate into the car being as minimally intrusive as possible. This meaning no extra holes in the car (and only using existing screws to mount)

This R32 GTR was extra special as it’s always been dream car of mine.

- Joel H, Installation Specialist

Trailer Power Panel

This power distribution panel was a bit of a challenging one, not so much for space but for the mounting location of all components on both the front and back end for everything to flow efficiently around the board.

Funnily enough this was done on the clients trailer! This idea was for the trailer to be a reliable power source in an instance where the car was not easily available, such as leaving the trailer behind to run his camp set up so he could take the car out in the mean time. These jobs require great planning skills as it can be very easy to find yourself going back over the cable runs multiple times.

- Joel H, Installation Specialist

Mercedes SL Speaker Upgrade

A Mercdes SL is not a great car for an audio upgrade, since it only has front speakers in a very odd 3-way arrangement. This Audison/Hertz replacement set (chosen specifically to fit the OEM locations) gave our client a fantastic audio system without needing to modify the car. A lot of trial and error went into the component selection here, inclusing needing to mount the speakers upside down to make sure the original wiring reached the terminals.

- Matt T, Workshop Manager